
  • 企业:北京亦民前沿科技孵化器有限公司
  • 品牌:前沿科技国际有限合伙人公司,罗沛霖双院士发起的北京容思锐智科技有限公司取其40年代在重庆的曾用名“容思”
  • 方面:文化创意, 能源和环境, 电子信息, 创新制造业和生物制药
  • 重点:所有精选进入孵化的项目都是世界一流,中国亟需,产业化前夜
  • 不限于常规服务:同时提供科技和政策指导、金融、资金和工业化解决方案
  • 参与:支撑和扶持国际创新项目的本土化,完善国际发明和设计能力, 解决产品的中试和供应链认证,营造以北京为总部的专利和知识产权池,发展和支撑专业产业集群和联盟,供应世界需求
  • 合作创始:开发更适应中国行业的分段商务计划(孵化期的种子投资,毕业时的A轮产业化投资,向产业化过渡所需的合同中试,设备租赁和现金流融资等)。与美国姐妹孵化器的技术或产品互补和整合,征询和推荐亟需的国际补充人才, 组建当地专业团队,从创始期到毕业产业化的一站式融资和商务开发合作伙伴。
  • 不仅是孵化器,我们通过合作创业,成为进驻国际项目的双亲之一。
  • 金融:前沿科技产业孵化器配套其产业基金,有资深年富力强的国际顶级科技评审和指导委员会,有经验丰富年轻有为的中国投融资管理和商务开发团队。初始资金来源十数家银行和基金,在美国还联合了洛杉矶最大投资银行背景的科技项目来源和基金匹配。基金规划每年倍增放大。
    专业服务:孵化器-基金通过战略联合引进专业咨询公司,贡献孵化企业的融资和资金运作, 国际知识产权代理, 国际专家顾问。
  • 地方合作优势:北京经济技术开发区24年来开拓和积累了中国和世界优势的产业地位和金融实力。它参与和引领前沿科技基金,为孵化器提供配套设施,优先投资毕业的项目和企业,优惠安排毕业企业在开发区最新建设的高端产业园落户,关注和引导孵化项目,直接投资或通过孵化器基金投资,支撑毕业项目的产业化。


FTC (Beijing) International Industrial Development, Ltd.

  • Enterprise: FTC International Industrial Development, Ltd. (The FTC Incubator) formally collaborates with Beijing Economic-technological Development Area (BDA).
  • Brand: FTC Incubator is founded by Frontier Technologies Consortium Global, LLC. (known as FTC Global, a Delaware company operating from Los Angles, USA since 2011). Its China domestic entity, “容思“ (thinking over), follows a 1940’s name used by Dr. Peilin luo, a well-known Chinese Scientist from Caltech, the advocate of Chinese Academy of Engineering, who inspired and initiated FTC Global.
  • Local Advantages and Sponsorship: BDA, through its 24 years of successful developments, has built its great industrial reputation and financial power among many China development zones (with 108 of Fortune-500 international enterprises having their proprietary R&D and manufacture in the area). BDA participates and leads FTC Industrial Foundation, provides the Incubator and its portfolios with spacious and environment-friendly facilities; gives favored treatment for “graduate” projects to enter the newest and the most modern industrial park in China (Mobile E-Town Innovation Park, etc.) in China’s capital. BDA’s investment platform can invest directly, or through the Foundation. BDA pays great attention on the startups in the Incubator, as well as having great interest in investing in them when they are graduating from the Incubator and entering innovative industry. This is a part of process for China’s industrial transformation from conventional manufacture into a joint world high-tech one.
  • Areas of Interests: Culture & Creation, Energy & Environment, Electronics & Information, Innovative Manufacturing, Bio-pharmaceutical.
  • Emphasis: All projects enrolled the Incubator have to be World-class technologies, fulfilling demands of Chinese industries and markets, and at eve of industrialization.
  • Not only incubating: the Incubator supports international innovative technologies to be localized right in the Capital of China; complete their invention and design capacity; provide local solutions for pilot production and supply chain certification; build and operate patent & IP pools, develop downstream industrial clusters and alliances; supply the demand of the world market.
  • Collaboration: develop step-by-step or modular business plans which are more suitable to China investment industries (Seed to sponsor a startup through incubator period, Series A to sponsor the startup’s “graduation” from the Incubator, and entering industrialization stage, finance the manufacture-trade turn-around, and capital equipment leasing, etc.). Complement and consolidate with portfolio projects of US sister Incubator’s, find or share special talents worldwide, as well as build out domestic professional teams. It is a one-stop shop that is closely collaborating with the incubated projects. And we can become parents of a portfolio of Chinese startups as well.
  • Finance: the FTC Incubator is the front operation of FTC Industrial Foundation. The Foundation is led by a Committee of International Scientific and Technological Guidance and Appraisal of senior members from wide range of technological fields. It is operated by a young team of experienced Chinese business developers and professionals. The Foundation gathered tens of investors, banks and funds, that are only interested in FTC Global’s portfolio projects. The Foundation invites BDA’s investment platform to lead and guide the fundraising. The foundation’s current plan is to double the scale of fund annually though next three years.
  • Sourcing: the FTC Incubator’s current plan involves 25 portfolios form US and Europe through 2016. It inquires a Los Angeles based investment group to beef up the Incubator’s sourcing in technology and product to China industries and market. Furthermore, the Incubator is facilitated with professional collaborators in IP and legal representatives, that secures the Incubator’s portfolios well protection through its product-to-market process in China.