Affiliates 相关

photo-Chen陈弘毅Prof. Henry Hongyi Chen, Tsinghua University Institute of Microelectronics, Chairman of the Academic Committee, and formerly the director of the Institute was a long time associate with Jin Luo since 2005. Prof. Chen is a life-time pioneer in the Chinese microelectronic engineering and semiconductor industry. He received the State Award for his achievements leading to the Institute’s success in the China Citizen ID Card IC development program. He advocated and helped to establish China’s embedded DSP, Asynchronous Processor, and WSN productizations, which FTCG have been heavily involved with its US inventors and partners. Prof. Chen received his BS and MS from Tsinghua University in 1965.

Rixing Chen, a business operator with many years of experience in Chinese domestic IT industry, co-marketed General Circuits’ China projects and operations with Jin Luo in 2004, winning with first design draft . This grew into XHM, a Beijing startup of Silicon Intellectual Property (SIP) registered in Beijing IC Design Park in 2005. Next year, XHM was successfully acquired by Vivace Semiconductor (Boston, MA). Chen provided critical contributions to FTCG’s client businesses in China.

Albs Liu is a specialist in Hong Kong public trading who has since 2007 participated in bringing China’s domestic enterprises to IPO through special-purpose acquisition companies. Liu has many years of experience in government procurement while stationed in Hong Kong, and was VP of Business Development in leading China’s consumer electronic product company Huaqi (the Aigo brand). In 2008 Liu brought FTCG China domestic client opportunities for international technology sourcing for semiconductor manufacturing with China domestic information security design teams. Later the opportunity led to FTCG’s continuous consulting and leadership in JGroup’s China industrial initiatives. Albs is one of the China business developer for the MSH China opportunities.

luo_peilinPeiling Luo, PhD 罗沛霖 Co-founder, advocate and shareholder of FTC, Dr. Luo is a senior member of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering and one of the key founders of China’s information industry. He led the group of seven distinguished scientists who advocated for and established the Chinese Academy of Engineering. An IEEE Life-time Fellow, he was the first Chairman of IEEE’s Beijing Chapter. Dr. Luo played important supervisory roles in China‘s twelve-year Science Development Plan in the 1950s. Furthermore, he was a co-founder of China’s state radar and computer development programs.

Dr. Luo’s life-time experiences have been in enterprise development and R&D administrations. His in-depth observation of the history of science and industry gave key insights into how society’s advances impact science and technology. Inspiring FTC’s consulting business, Dr. Luo, although retired from front-line administrative work for many years, is continuing his mission promoting and inspiring Chinese-conceived inventions, as well as continuing to serve as a role model for inventors himself. Leading Chinese inventions, Dr. Luo, at age 95, published two important inventions in digital logic circuit structure and digital signal processor architecture in Frontier Sciences in 2008. He has, for many years, encouraged and recommended Dr. Qiu Xiaoqi’s inventions in Multi-peptide Selective Medicine approaches as a revolutionary industrial platform and a China invention, a truly innovate new technology.
Dr. Luo advocates scientific democracy. He provides visionary thinking for FTC, always pursuing the next fusion of industry, information, culture, and the arts. He is also a public figure, having many times been elected as a representative of the Chinese People’s Congress and Chinese Political Consulting Congress.

罗沛霖(1913-2011),祖籍浙江山阴(今绍兴),生于天津。天津南开中学,上海交大电机学士(1935),美国加州理工学院博士(1951)。中国科学院和中国工程院院士,中国电子工业和信息产业开拓者和奠基人。早期在桂林、延安和重庆曾开创和参与军事无线电事业。1951年主持设计和建设国营华北无线电器材联合厂(含今北京798厂等6个分厂和第11 研究所)。1953年参加12年国家科学规划。相继在机械部十局、 四机部、电子部、信产部任科技局副局长。中国电子学会创始人,国际电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)终身资深会员(Fellow)和中国分会(Beijing Chapter)第一任会长,中国电子标准化协会创始人。中国早期中远程雷达工程、计算机系列等国家重点发明和工程项目的负责人和贡献人。罗沛霖曾历任数届全国人民代表和全国政协代表,曾倡议和成功推动了中国工程院的组建(1994)和半导体工艺和装备的中国工业发展重点方向(2000)。

罗沛霖毕生致力于科学研究、产业开拓和科研管理。他对世界和中国的科学和工业发展有丰富经历和独立观察,多次推测到科学技术和工程实践对社会发展的冲击,时有先见的见解。罗沛霖倡导科学民主,坚持推动下一场社会革命,促进工业、信息、文化和艺术的融合。罗沛霖身体力行地贡献和提携中国科学发明,在95高龄还为科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊《前沿科学》贡献了两篇科学发明文献(创意高速算法逻辑体系结构和多核异构数字信号处理器体系结构)。罗沛霖多年鼓励和推荐了丘小庆博士超前国际学科行业的信息菌素靶向有机抗生药物设计平台中国发明;曾支持刘大力多思工业园公司的“全中国”发明(All Chinese Invention)先进微处理器体系结构。他尤其倡导在中国创建革命性的产业平台、原创发明进入和超越世界前列、科技行为超越世俗价值观等观点,所谓“行有责、知无涯”是从中国新民主主义革命到新中国建设时期的科技工作者原旨。罗博士离休后,全心支持和启发中国科学技术发明。FTCG的咨询事业很小,但精确体现了其发起者和倡导者宽宏深邃的灵感。