FTC Global, since 2008, has consulted and developed multi-discipline world-class technologies, exchanging worldwide. 前沿科技在2008年以来咨询和开发过多方位、世界一流科技的国际交流项目。
Current Portfolios 当前方面:
- AIEC International GmbH -AI IoE Engineering Center, the portfolio hosting 人工智能物联网化工程中心(苏黎世和上海)
- Marenco Swisshelicopter -new record breaking performance, hybrid power, multi-purpose, heavy-payload light helicopter 梦蓝科瑞士直升机,3.5T混合动力重载荷高性能多用途轻型直升机(苏黎世,上海)
- Leviation Technology -multi-purpose, work group 4 eVTOL 都市垂直起降交通的飞行器、局域空管系统和现场作业无人机(苏黎世和上海)
- JH Film Tech PEK, Ltd. -visual technology and contracted visual design-production resources 视觉科技、影视视觉特效和多媒体内容(北京和宁波)
- BON IO Distribution, LLC -motion picture visual effect and multimedia visual art creations and technologies 节点群发行合伙人公司,影视和视觉艺术与技术(拉斯维加斯)。
Historic Portfolios 历史项目 (see ARCHIVE 文献):
- Pheromonicin Biotech -bioengineering approach of alternate organic anti-infection medicine. 信息菌素,抗生素的有机生物工程替代(洛杉矶和北京)
- SynTech Systems Co -IOT (internet of things) system solutions 星跃系统,物联网和传感网系统(昆山)
- Matrix Systems -embedded DSP (digital signal processor) 焕代时业系统工程,嵌入式数字信号处理系统(北京,上海)
- Marenco Swisshelicopter -record-breaking performance, multi-purpose, light helicopter 梦蓝科瑞士直升机,2.5T涡轮轴高性能多用途轻型直升机(苏黎世,上海)
- Laurasian: The World’s Transformation, -Also Spoke and cinematic novella 羅容思的世界变迁,人文和时事(拉斯维加斯)
About FTC
Frontier Technologies Consortium Global, LLC (FTC) is Delaware State partnership consulting firm, with a broad and in-depth technical background to master a diversified portfolio of inventions and technologies.
FTC is founded by Jin Luo in 2008, in response to Dr. Peilin Luo, who was a members of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, Caltech PhD 1952, a major state factory compound (718 Factories)’s chief designer 1952-1957, then a scientific and industrial bureau chief till retirement (1913-2011). ‘
Through years, FTC has been closely associated with technology sources and professionals who have mature and proved engineering skills, knowhow and wisdoms, yield achievements and products. FTC maintained a paired Beijing Operation from Los Angeles, advices international businesses to enter China (access market, manufacture and capital), and occasionally major inventions from China to the world.
FTC is operating from Las Vegas with the office in Los Angeles, as well at its portfolio locations. It has contracted representatives in China: GSC PEK Administration, Ltd for field management.
Most of FTC current portfolios are hosted in Switzerland (Pfäffikon of Zurich), along with international know-how and IPs, by AIEC International GmbH, which FTC partnered with Marenco Holdings.