AG4.0 物联网农业

Agriculture 4.0

  • Popular concept of Agriculture 4.0, utilizes IOT/IoE, an solve sophisticated measuring and analysis problems in realtime, in-field and massively. This desires low-cost and multiple purpose sensors. The agricultural or forestry survey and forecast used to be conducted through manual sample collection and lab instrumental analysis, where the accuracy and timing are counting on limited budget and labor and equipment, as well only limited to sparsely and non-statistical data acquisition, thus in accurate and slow. The recent component breakthrough made CO² field mapping and practical Nitrogen in-soil measurement possible.
  • Then, autonomous operation of agriculture machines, make field operations 24/7 and in all weather conditions.
  • Finally, facility agriculture, precision agriculture and urban agriculture have been futuristic concepts, but now become practical. Networking provides the vital enabling technology.

Above three factors will double agriculture production through the next 10 years.

AIEC processes and provides key solutions to enable these applications. Our portfolio of technologies cover means of network communications in:

  • HD bandwidth, tens of kilometers long distance of network relay;
  • high-penetration to organic objects;
  • ground-transmission effect of low carrier frequency;
  • situated radio communication network that produce no EM solutions, proven radiation-proof of human health;
  • extremely quiet operation, no radio disturbances to regular communication channels;
  • significant low power-consumption;
  • network node sleep-wakeup-standby-operation modes that super-tolerate power-supply condition;
  • network note technologies enables by integrated circuit designs, miniature, system on chip (SoC) and low-cost.
  • etc.

AIEC’s Strategic Focus 战略系统科学的着眼点:物联网化农业

农业生产是人类最早的规模化生产,即常说的“大生产”(Massive Production)。工业革命的一个重要标志确实是“大规模生产”,但是它更重要的标志性目标在于“都市化”。工业革命发明和生产了规模供应都市的商品,其中起始的供求、即影响至今的最重要方面,就是发明了“食品”(不再是原始的“食物”):大规模的食品加工、运输、储存和分销,使原产食物进入都市社会的供需体系。

传统的农业种植收获与工业制造一样, 都可以利用半导体制造中已经成熟的4.0原理和实践来提升:精准农业、设施农业、优化于生态的农业,就能保障地球人类人口增长的食物需求,这是理智的现代化进程。颠覆人类食物链,发明和配给素食汉堡,限制贫穷人口生殖,都是反科学的动力。农业:不能让世界权势和财团给颠覆了,关系到人类的命运。顺便,人类的都市种群,其健康生存和正常繁衍已经进入危险状态。不如提倡一点儿回归自然,并时尚化农村生态的生产行为和生活方式。
