To Artists 致艺术家

3DLR utilizes high-precision 3D printing to deposit special colors and glaze protection, generating relief effects of a 2D artwork onto an organic plaque material or a continuing surface of any merchandises. These new development of combined material science and process technology is an extraordinary durable and economic means to replicate and produce artworks of any styles. 激光浮雕:利用高精度3D打印,沉积特殊的色彩和保护层,为平面美术品产生在有机画板或任何商品的平滑表面上产生精美的浮雕。这一套特有的新技术综合了材料科学和制造工艺的发展,成就一种非凡坚固和经济适用的方法来制作各种风格的艺术复制品

  1. To populate and elevate artworks, the first step: no matter it is for achieving high prestigious or popularity, for artists who need earnings, this is to provide a path for quantity, profit and choice goods status. Very often we watched original creations was not recognized and collected, or popular artworks were not appreciated and cannot make money with. We are here to fill the gap by giving creator an own factory. 普及和提高一的第一步:无论阳春白雪或下里巴人,需要挣钱的大众艺术家们,我们的新工艺就给提供了一个能批量化、高性价比、接近精品级的商业途径。通常我们所遇到的现象是:有些原创不被认可没人收集,或有些复制商品廉价而不能赚钱,而我们的起点就在中间,给予艺术家一个自己的工厂。
  2. Create new look, touch and feel of your 2D graphic designs. 为您的平面美术增添新的观感和触感
  3. Work with process craftsmen for precision, enhancement and derivative effects of your fine art works. 与新工艺的匠人一起为您的作品实现保真、增强和衍生效果。
  4. Work with Maestri Academy visual scientists for utilizing visual algorithms, developing proprietary methodologies, for growing textures or profiles from original 2D graphics, either precisely emulation or dynamically enhancement. 与修思学院的视觉科学家一起运用算法,开发专有方法学,从2维绘画上做出第三维的创新,可以是精确保真的,也可以是动态增强的。
  5. Direct and use our graphic engineers to do ground works for you. Maintain your studio fabless, but do have a production foundry of your own.   指挥和使用计算机制图工程师来物理实现艺术复制品。保持您的画室独立于生产和制造,不过您事实已拥有了一个自己做主的代加工生产线。
  6. Licensing artistic concepts and creations to Art Factory Production. Let us to publish, produce and populate your brand-name works in market place and among consumers and collectors.  授权艺术概念和创作给艺术工厂生产线,让我们在市场上出版、生产和普及您的IP产品,形成您的名牌,送到到消费者和收集者的手中。
  7. Intellectual Property (IP) controlled, limited quantity with index engraving, can add authentication mechanism with RF-ID technology. 知识产权(IP)主导的、限量版的,我们为您在艺术商品上微刻精品序号、或在艺术品上埋藏无线标识技术的防伪认证。
  8. As a high-concept, low-cost, quick-turn marketing tool: impressive fresh-look personalized gift ideas, commercial promotional objects, consumer merchandises and collectables.  高概念、低成本、快周转的市场工具:产生印象深刻的礼品、推销品、消费品、收集品。
  9. One-stop shop: from sketch to implementation, to products with designer custom packaging, engage all steps or segments crossing design-prototype-production-packaging-distribution and marketing. Through the vertically integrated flow, are all under artists’ control.  一站式服务:从草稿到原型,到生产和设计包装,到出版和销售,垂直整合的全线服务,都在艺术家自主的选择和管控之下。