AI IoE 人工智能物联网化

  • The Organization 机构:

FTC Global sets a partnership with Shanghai Strategic System Science Institute, to develop world-class technologies in frontier applications. They cofound a Zurich international with partner Marenco AG, the HQ entity in 2021: AI-IoE Engineering Center (AIEC International, GmbH, Dorfstrasse 57, 8330 Pfäffikon, Switzerland). We prioritized 8-10 application aspects, for fast delivery results.

Shanghai Strategic System Science Institute is adopting high concepts of Industry 4.0, in China Yangtze Delta develop China scale up of European industrial craftsmanship. The synergy is in China OBOR and Europe Union’s 21st Century Eurasian Economic Center of the World.
上海战略系统科学研究院,运用工业4.0 概念,在中国民营工业领先的长江三角区落实发展中国规模化与欧洲工匠行融合发展的特色模式。以轻便投资收取实效,配合中国“一带一路”和欧盟“21世纪欧亚大陆世界经济重心”大战略,在民营和贸易领域突出发展。

  • IoE Applications 物联网化应用:

Pules Diagnos 脉像诊断

Agriculture  农业 4.0

Smart Dust 智能微粒

IoE 物联网化

Security 物联网保安

Safety 安防







Mftg Net ch 制造网

eVTOL Air Admin 垂直通航空管

Next Light 跨代光源

Virtual Prdctn 虚拟影视制作

IC  集成电路设计






On “cloud” and o “ground”, Artificial Intelligence (AI) are forming a mirror system, similar to human’s body, made up of brain and nerves ends. In between are organs and limbs to operate. 云端和地上都是人工智能的组成部分,就像人体:在云端要实现大脑,在地上要实现神经末梢,在两者之间要实现内脏和肢体的运行。

On the ground: usually IOT can solve most if local networks to be integrated onto the common Internet (for example CAN-BUS has been used in automobile, connecting 100+ micro processors and micro controllers); all individual automobile can then connected into the standard Internet system. While IoE (Internet of Everything) would solve a much greater case, that is to connect everything, which has not networked locally yet, to the Internet.  在地上:通常IOT所解决的,是所有已经局域联网的公共载体系统(例如CAN-BUS标准网络,链接一辆汽车上百个微处理器和微控制器)都要进入互联网标准的大体系;而IoE进而要解决的,是所有没有局域网络的事物,不论其载体如何,都要链接到互联网上。IoE往往被翻译成中文为“万物互联”,其实他就是普及所有事物的“物联网化”。

  • Integrated Circuits 半导体集成电路: 

From above contents that planned, most of them involve the Event-driven concetp. On top, Event-driven is the key of AI operations. On the earth, Event-driven represents a specific integrated circuit technology which enables massive paving of IoE. Therefore our foundation knowhow is concentrated on integrated circuit designs: Event-driven Logic IC Designs, serving Event-driven great AI system. 在以上布局的广泛内容中,大多数涉及事件驱动这个人工智能的核型运行概念。同时在地上,我们实现基于事件驱动逻辑电路技术的设计和自适应网络应用,靠的是集成电路设计技术来赋能这些物联网底层基础应用。因此,基础技术的命题是:基于事件驱动的芯片设计,服务于基于事件驱动运行的人工智能大系统