2015.5 FTC Global, LLC at BDA 前沿科技国际孵化器进北京经济技术开发区

前沿科技国际孵化器在2015年5月落地北京经济技术开发区。办公地址:北京经济技术开发区荣华中街10号A座301,亦城国际中心大厦。亦城国际中心的底楼为开发区工商办公大厅。荣华路(即博大路延伸)和万源街交叉路口的东南角, 地铁亦庄线万源街站西口。Frontier Technologies Development, Ltd. (FTC Incubator) entered Beijing Economic-technological Development Area (BDA) in May, 2015. The new office address is 10, Ronghua Rd. Bldg.A, 301 (Yicheng International Center). The building’s front skirt facilitated BDA’s one-stop incorporation center for public functions. It is at the southeast corner of the intersection between Ronghua Rd (extended from Boda Rd) and Wanyuan Rd.

到2015年9月,前沿科技在这个地址将临时办公,直到亦庄国际投资公司的“创投汇”建筑完工,将扩展其孵化公司场地,从千平方米开始可倍增。In September, after its interior build-up is finished, FTC Incubator’s office will move to E-Town Capital’s new Incubator E-Town Startup compound, where scalable spaces for incubation, starting from 1000 sqm, are available.

同时孵化器以约翰休斯研究院为核心和主导的文化创意项目集群,正在规划配合亦庄湿地公园环境和生态的现代化国际一流视觉表演艺术中心。In the meantime, FTC Incubator is planning a World Visual and Performing Art Center anchored by John Hughes Institute and its art and creation cluster, in the South Wetland Park. The Art Center will be designed and operated environment-friendly to couple with ecological functions of the South Wetland Park, which is also known as “Lungs of Beijing”.

孵化器的“毕业”企业拟进入正在建筑的“移动硅谷科创产业园“等现代工业设施。FTC Incubator, along with a dedicated industrial fund of E-Town Capital, plan to have their “graduated” portfolio of modern companies enter the E-Town Industrial Park,