大选日4天后 Four days after Election Day now

Finally the vote has counted to a satisfactory。 Now social networks started flattering Biden and Harris and victory of American democratic power process.   中英文…

The big winner: Democratic Party, tech giants, wealthy charity organization, environmentalists, entertainment-media. These ever self-labeled Five Democratic Forces (Big Five?), are finally united under the flag of Wall Street and the world finance.

In the middle: an ever enthusiastic but yet discrete group of non-partisan native scholars, writers, intellectuals and successful etite BLExits (Black Exit activists), who supported Trump’s new policies to regain national economy, to resist global political corruption and to protect US interests and principles including its Constitution. They elected Trump who is a non-politician, ignoring bi-partisan latent rules, a non-acceptance of high-society, a native real-estate developer. The president was falsely accused as a foreign spy, as abusing power to investigate partisan opponent about foreign corruption, almost being purged; then the plague came destroyed the raising economy. With loaded more national and diplomatic achievements than his both parties combined, finally the united Bit Five who dictated states authorities and national media succeeded to over-thrown him. Still they are fighting for their truth of election.

As a professional politician, whatever national achievements are not important; hypocritical manner is. For this sinking boat, even a non-achievement old Sleepy one can helm. Trump’s loss is victor of Transform America, and prove the long-shot Dismantle Americaprocess is ready.

The big losers: Sanders and Trump who are only ones belatedly wanted to be a Captain for the masses. The former, after the Party ruled him out as the president candidate, only had a epiphany that the Democratic Party has transformed into Coastal Elite Party; while the latter, after failed to be re-elected, will soon found being abandoned by the GOP who he never have belonged to. Professional politicians wanted to stop this Ship of Fool. Get rid of these two obsolete captains, then two party will play the old songs, be relaxed coming back to the good old guys at good old time, of back-curtain and under-table trades. These two are in a wrong time, tied themselves to the masses and labors. They are absolutely bounced out by elite high society. And how can they win the Big Five and their global finance-lord backer?

Super Powers can only be dismantled from inside: although respectively they think are People’s Nations, after all they are just USSR and USA. With their burden of huge self-respects and a lot of their own mistakes, leaving for later generations are sentimental valuables. So as Greek, Roman and Qin.



中间势力:一个势均力敌、激情而松散的势力发生了:非党派的草根学者、著书立说的知识分子,民族资产阶级、小生产者和业主、劳工阶层 和精英“黑人退群者”(BLExit)等,支持特朗普的新政推动国民经济的回升、要阻止多年来全球化的政治腐败、维护美国的传统利益以致宪法。他们推举了一个另类不懂政治违反两党交易规则入不得上流社会的民族房地产商(The Case for Trump),四年来以捏造的俄国间谍嫌疑被调查、以利用国家职权争取外国领袖揭露政敌腐败被弹劾,又被瘟疫摧毁了经济社会回升,现在终于被控制各州司法和舆论的五大社会势力联合推翻,还在选票争议中顽抗。

以职业政治家的捞钱哲理来看,所有超出两党前任的国民和外交成就都算不得数,虚伪风度至上,还真不如糊涂老爷瞌睡中就能掌舵(Sleepy Joe)。连任的失败,是“转型美国”(Transform America)的胜利,证明肢解美国进程(Dismantle America)的时机已经成熟。

最大的输家:只有桑德斯和特朗普两位,在当今的世道下还憧憬要为平民当船长。前者被自己的党压制了竞选机会,才醒悟民主党已经蜕变成了“海岸精英党”(Coastal Elite Party);后一位输了连任,马上就会发现本来他就不是的共和党会抛弃他。职业政治家们都乐于尽快终止“愚民船”(Ship of Fool)的航行。免去这两位不合时宜的船长,老家伙才能回到两党幕后桌下交易的永恒美好时光。这两位是在一个错误的时代与平民和劳工绑在了一起,却是被精英上流社会淘汰。他们怎么会赢得了全球化新主流政客和他们的财阀靠山?
