Mr. Talmy on the Lake

Also spoke the maestro to his disciple, that a skilled man should not have bewildered himself into his own luxury of artist’s life. When the time came, he should have to respond a call rushing down the bank, submerging his body into the lake’s mud and breathing in its murky water, like a wild infant nurtured in Mother Nature’s womb. And behold that old machinery, he has to caress the beast’s ratchet wheel, and pick its rusted teeth, like Man used to tame a drago翻译:大师还说,一个技艺娴熟的人不能总是沉迷于他的豪华艺术生活中。当正是时刻时,他应能接受召唤,冲下湖岸,把身体沉陷在泥沼中,呼吸浑浊的湖水,就像一个蛮荒婴儿在大自然母亲的子宫之中。当他遇见那台古老的机器时,他会爱抚那野兽固执的棘轮,剔清它生锈的牙齿,就像人在过去如何驯服蛟龙那样。

Also spoke by Google Translate in Chinese: 谷歌翻译说:还向这位大师讲道,一个熟练的男人不应该对自己的艺术家生活感到迷惑。时间到了,他应该不得不响应一个电话,冲下湖岸,将身体浸入湖中的泥泞中,并在浑浊的水中呼吸,就像大自然母亲子宫中的野生婴儿一样。 而且,他必须看旧的机械,才能爱抚野兽的棘轮,并摘下生锈的牙齿,就像过去驯服龙一样。