前沿科技国际产业孵化器   FTC Development (Beijing), Ltd. (as FTC International Incubator) presents An Internal Roadshow on June 15, 2015

2015615日 路演日程  Program

9:00AM Registration 登记和入场

9:15AM 致辞 北京市经济技术开发区管委会 高言杰常务副主任     BDA, Yanjie Gao (Deputy Director General Management)

9:30AM 致辞 北京亦庄国际投资发展有限公司  王小波总经理    Beijing E-Town Capital Development, Ltd., Johnson Wang (President)

10:00AM 揭牌仪式  “亦庄创造+” 和 “创投汇”     “+Enovation” Event Series and “E-Startups” Incubation service platform grand opening ceremonry

DSC_0502-opening10:15AM 致辞 介绍前沿科技国际产业孵化器 罗晋董事长和CEO  Introduction to FTC International Incubator by Jin Luo (Chairman and CEO)

10:45 Roadshow Programs:

P1 Culture VFX 现代电影视觉特效制作  -约翰休斯视觉特效科技有限公司(北京亦庄) 和 约翰休斯研究院(洛杉矶好莱坞) ,董事长和CEO 约翰休斯   Modern Film VFX Production, by John Hughes VFX Science, Ltd. (E-Town, Beijing) and John Hughes Institute (Hollywood, Los Angeles), John Hughes (Chaiman and CEO).

P2 Energy SPL 超级等离子体照明引擎 100,000流明光照 – 迈伦照明工业科技有限公司(美国洛杉矶,中国亦庄)  SPL Engine up to 100,000 Lm by SPL Industries Inc. (Los Angeles) (Los Angeles, USA) Mehran Matoulobian, PhD (Founder and Inventor)

P3 Energy 阳光-超级等离子体:真正大自然光谱、适合人类的节能照明系统  -英特国际制造工程有限合伙人公司  Sunlight – Super Plasma Lighting Hybrid: True Natural-spectrum People friendly Energy-saving Lighting Environment. by IMEC USA, LLC (Los Angeles), Gregg Hollingsworth (Advisor)

 P4 IT & ICI IoE-ready 信息电子物联网化:芯片、系统和模组,与交流电器集成-通用电路公司和加州理工学院(美国洛杉矶)   IoT: IC, System and Module – integrated with AC Apparatus by General Circuits, LLC and Caltech (Los Angeles, USA) Mika Nystrom (Chief Scientist)

P5 Energy Jet-E 喷气动力学原理的汽车排气段负压节油部件-宙永科技集团有限公司 (美国洛杉矶)  Automobile Jet-Exhaust Fuel-saving Device – by EonTech Group, Inc. (Los Angeles) Larry Buchannan (Inventor) and Laura Lo (President)

P6 Aviation Helicopter 多用途轻型直升机:欧洲认证机型衍生联合设计,引领制造业合资在北京落户-梦蓝科瑞士直升机有限公司    Multi-purpose Light Helicopter: joint design evoving from EASA type certification, leading to manufacture JV in Beijing by Meranco Swisshelicopter AG (Zurich, Switzerland), Martin Stucki (Inventor and CEO)

P7 Biopharma Paromonicin® 信息菌素靶向有机抗生药剂的革命-信息菌素研究院(北京亦庄),信息菌素靶向药物北京市工程研究中心(北京中关村),畿晋庆堂(英属维尔京群岛、香港、北京、洛杉矶)创始人和总经理 李荣旗     Pheromonicin® Guided Organic Drugs to Replace Antibiotics by Pheromonicin Institute (BDA), Pheromonicin Guided Drug Beijing Municipal Engineering Development Center (Zhongguancun),Pheromonicin Biotech, Ltd. (BVI, Hong Kong, Beijing, Los Angeles), Rongqi Li (Co-founder and President)
