- MediaSys 光.像.声.画
多媒体混合现实 Multi-Media Mixed Reality (M³R)
Contact Company 内容发行人:BON IO distribution, LLC is a media content development, production and distribution manager, a specialty in global network media trade in North America, Europe and Asian Sphere. Recently it expands into regional representing licensable M3R contents and solutions for themed amusement parks, and pop-art merchandise productions, from the world to China. 节点群发行公司是媒体内容的开发、制作和发行管理公司,他的特长是国际网络媒体在北美、欧洲和亚裔环球的交易。近年它开辟了针对主题娱乐设施的多媒体混合现实体验内容和大众文艺商品的区域代理和授权,从世界进入中国。www.bon-io.com
- History & Context

Early Years 前身
Integrated Media Engineering (IMEC) couples with contents and venues, provides solutions of next-generation applications, thus lis-next.com 集成化多媒体工程公司,是一个咨询机构。它结合内容和场景,提供跨代的的系统应用方案。
IMEC is an independent consulting entity. It was incorporated in State of Delaware in 2011, currently operated from Las Vegas, NV, USA. 集成化多媒体工程公司,2011年在美国特拉华州注册,目前在拉斯维加斯市经营。
Through years, IMEC’s operation was phased through three missions: (1)consulting and serving manufacturing technologies for next-gen (post LED) energy-saving light sources; (2)IOT node integrated circuit inventions (extends to IoE, enables massive networking of Smart Dust), and (3)integrated lighting, imaging and sound system solutions servicing dedicated theme contents. 若干年来,集成化多媒体工程公司经过了三个阶段:(1)咨询和服务于产业,为跨代(后LED世代)的节能照明光源;(2)发明和设计物联网(IOT)节点的集成电路,进入IoE的海量“智能微粒(Smart Dust)”的自适应万物互联网应用;(3)集成化的光、景、声多媒体系统方案,服务于定制主题内容。

System 系统集成
Matrix Systems PEK, Ltd. (MATRIX) is Beijing company since 2011. It is currently working with multimedia design studios, integrate cross-generation lighting, image and sound systems. Since 2020, Matrix engaged serving JH Film Tech PEK, Ltd. and its Maestri Garden Design Cluster, to provide dedicated system solutions of multimedia mixed reality (M3R) systems. 焕代时业系统工程公司是2011年在北京创始的企业。它继续了IMEC USA的主营的专有技术,增扩了配合多媒体设计室创作的跨世代光、像、声系统集成。2020年代理国际媒体业务集群(简称“节点群”)进入中国,为其定制解决“修思”品牌下的连锁文旅商业区、主题公园设施,承接和供应多媒体混合现实系统的工程。
Flow 1: China System Integrations: IMEC’s China business interactions are in 3 aspects: (1) China client’s customer; (2) Supplies of materials, components and equipments; (3) installation contractors. Facing these 3 aspects, IMEC introduces Matrix to handle local contractual deliveries and transactions. 业务流程 1 -中国系统集成项目:IMEC在中国的业务对象为:(1)主營合作方的客户、(2)器材和装备供应链、(3)系统集成商。面向这三个方面,介绍焕代时业公司为其中国代理公司;后者接手在中国境内实施和处理所有IMEC定义的交付、交易和结算。
Flow 2: International Trade: serves projects worldwide. Among them necessary materials, components and equipments may be supplied from or to China. Matrix handles the China side of trade. In most cases it import technical services to China; and export materials and components from China. 业务流程 2 -国际贸易:在世界各地之间项目亟需的器材和设备,通过焕代时业在中国管理供应链,形成进出口渠道。一般:对中国的进口为咨询合同形式的技术支持;从中国的出口是器材和零部件。
FLow 3: BON-I/O: performs licensing and sourcing supports: (1) Contents planned and designed by international artists and studios; (2) International system designs are licensed to, or distributed in and out China; (3) Multimedia system integration dedicated to above contents, designed and installed by Matrix Systems in China. 业务流程 3 -内容:配合内容设计和制作的授权和源头:(1)由修思院国际行业及群的艺术家和工作室策划和设计的内容;(2)与内容相定制的多媒体系统集成,由焕代时业设计和安装。
Leader: President and General Engineer: Shen Yingding. China supply chain and field engineering manager. Shen was trained in Italy for industrial process control, worked from an engineer to administrator in China major textile industry. Shen possesses wide and in-depth hands-on knowledges in conventional and innovational mechanics-electric-electronics systems, principles and applications, from white appliances, industrial lighting to wind generators. He is a practical solution advisor. Shen is also a pop science writer and advisor. 总工程师:沈英丁,中国供应链和现场管理负责人。工厂和设施安装经验专家。在意大利深造的工业过程控制和制造业技术。他入门中国重点纺织厂,从工程师成长为管理成员。沈对广泛应用的传统和创新机械-电气-电子系统原理有深入的专业知识,从家用电器、工业照明、到风能发电。是实用解决方案的顾问人才。沈英丁还擅长科普写作和咨询,配合升华中国本土的文旅和工业遗产。沈英丁是焕代时业(北京)系统工程公司的总工程师和总经理,配套修思国际品牌的多媒体内容,供应多媒体系统工程,给IMEC的中国客户,负责监理现场建设和安装。

OP Admin 经营
Gulf Stream Consulting Administration PEK, Ltd. (GSC) Represents FTC Global’s portfolios for international technology transfer, IP trade and project finance control. . 北京湾流咨询管理有限公司,合同管理前沿科技顾问国际的客户或合作方项目,包括技术转让、IP授权和项目财务内控。
Controller: Li Jun, licensed corporate accountant, licensed China Tax Agent. 20+ experiences administrate international companies in Beijing. Graduated from China People’s University with Accounting degree. 项目财务控制人:李郡,行业执照:会计师,职业资质:中国税务师。20+年管理国际公司在中国的项目和业务。中国人民大学财务专业学士。