Business: IMEC defines and specifies multimedia system solutions dedicated to a Maestri Garden brand program. It identifies and qualifies China vendors (components, material and integration services), then case-by-case delegates to Matrix Next System to engage contracts and delivery locally.
Flow 1: China System Integrations: IMEC’s China business interactions are in 3 aspects: (1) Maestri Garden clients; (2) Supplies of materials, components and equipments; (3) installation contractors. Facing these 3 aspects, IMEC introduces Matrix to handle local contractual deliveries and transactions.
业务流程 1 -中国系统集成项目:IMEC在中国的业务对象为:(1)修思的客户、(2)器材和装备供应链、(3)系统集成商。面向这三个方面,介绍焕代时业公司为其中国代理公司;后者接手在中国境内实施和处理所有IMEC定义的交付、交易和结算。
Flow 2: International Trade: IMEC serves projects worldwide. Among them necessary materials, components and equipments may be supplied from or to China. IMEC delegates Matrix to handle the China side of trade. In most cases it import IMEC’s technical services to China and export materials and components from China.
业务流程 2 -国际贸易:IMEC在世界各地之间项目亟需的器材和设备,通过焕代时业在中国管理供应链,形成进出口渠道。一般:IMEC对中国的进口为咨询合同形式的技术支持;IMEC从中国的出口是器材和零部件。
FLow 3: BON-I/O: Maestri Garden franchise that IMEC service, need three aspect of licensed and sourced supports: (1) Contents planned and designed by a cluster of international artists and studios (such as North Forty); (2) International Contents are licensed to, or Campus Creations distributed from, through BON-IO Distribution in and out China; (3) Multimedia system integration dedicated to above contents, designed by IMEC and installed by Matrix Next Systems in China.
业务流程 3 -内容:接受IMEC服务的修思院连锁机构,需要三个方面的内容授权和源头:(1)由修思院国际行业及群的艺术家和工作室(例如北肆拾畝)策划和设计的内容;(2)由节点群发行公司解决双向的内容交易:国际内容的授权使用;园区内容的国内外发行;(3)与内容相定制的多媒体系统集成,针对前两个方面,由IMEC定义,由其中国代理焕代时业之行。

President / General Engineer: Shen Yingding. China supply chain and field engineering manager. Shen was trained in Italy for industrial process control, worked from an engineer to administrator in China major textile industry. Shen possesses wide and in-depth hands-on knowledges in conventional and innovational mechanics-electric-electronics systems, principles and applications, from white appliances, industrial lighting to wind generators. He is a practical solution advisor. Shen is also a pop science writer and advisor.
沈英丁是焕代时业(北京)系统工程公司的总经理,配套修思国际品牌的多媒体内容,供应多媒体系统工程给IMEC和BON IO Distribution的中国客户。他监理安装现场的配套工程。