2016.1.9. Los Angeles 洛杉矶 北京开发区/亦庄国际投资

Delegation: BDA & E-town Capital 代表團:北京經濟技術開發區/亦莊國際投資有限公司

Portfolio Introductor: FTC Global & FTC Internation Incubator 項目對接:前沿科技國際有限合夥人公司/北京亦民前沿科技孵化器有限公司

Around 20 local guests representing a dozen startup or mature technology companies are having FTC’s annual year-beginning event in downtown Los Angeles. Again the timing of event is coincided with Beijing Economic-technological Development Area (BDA)’s delegation of executives-meet-the-projects tour to USA. 前沿科技公司的年會,將榮幸地邀請北京經濟技術開發區每年的赴美代表團對接項目。

The event is onJanuary 9, will start at noon, through the afternoon and continued on a work supper. Location: 2404 Wilshire Blvd, Studio 6E, Los Angeles, CA 90057. Following presentations, the event continues in an authentic Hunan restaurant, serving a work super along. 這次活動在19日中午開始。地點:洛杉磯市中心的威爾榭大道2404號,前沿科技的工作室6E”,会后在一家湖南餐馆的工作餐会上继续交流

Presentations 項目介紹(科技文化生物醫藥信息和芯片:

  1. FTC Global, LLC LA/BJ Mark DelVicchio (Commercial Advisor): Introduction to FTC portfolis.  達明(商務顧問),介紹前沿科技國際有限合夥人公司的項目。
  2. JH-VFX John Hughes (Founder, Owner and CEO): JHI, Tau and JH-VFX. 約翰休斯研究院、道影業公司和約翰休斯(北京)視覺特效科技有限公司,約翰休斯介紹2015年進入北京後的中國和世界項目。
  3. InnovaTID Pharmaceutical, LLC Peter Lohes, PhD (Operation):  and its portfolio, a Hepatitis C and Liver Cancer drug early stage. TID創新醫藥資訊公司,彼得.羅斯博士,介紹該公司推动的丙型肝炎和肝癌特效藥(典型項目)
  4. Quantgene, Inc. John Bhakdi (CEO) & Yiwen Li: Quantgene, 約翰.拜克迪博士和李亦雯,介紹血液診斷十大癌症的創新基因檢測技術和方法學,創始公司。
  5. StemOnIX Ping Yeh, Stem cell extract techniques and methodologies 葉平博士, 干细胞提取技术和方法学,創始公司
  6. Ping Liang, PhD Electromagnetic Field Guided Brian Operation 梁平博士, 电磁场导向金属粒子的精密无创大脑手术技术,創始公司。
  7. FTLSIC BJ/Boston Mark Del Vecchio & Jin Luo: Frontier Technology Life Science Innovation Center, to be sister of Pioneer Valley Life Science Institute: business model and portfolios. 前沿科技 達明和羅晉,北京生命科學創新培育中心與波士頓的同等孵化企業聯營,基金和孵化器商務構造
  8. RF DSP, Inc. Ping Liang, PhD 5G Mobile Communication Processing & Algorithms  梁平博士, 有千倍於現行4G帶寬潛力的下一代移動通訊信號處理、算法和無線網絡體系結構,科研和專利發明
  9. RF Axis Inc. Yongxin Qian, CMOS RF IC, the new approach reduces manufacturing complexity and costs, delivers non-compromise performance, enables low-cost, compact and high-volume applications. FTC believes the achieved advantages in technologies and products meet the trendy wave of IoE demands. It can fulfil a growing supply-demand match in China. (refer to Introduction 12 below)  . 錢永新, 成熟先技術能降低芯片產品的製造複雜性和成本、提供優良的電路性能,並能使低成本、緊湊外型和海量使用的新應用成為可能。前沿科技相信相關技術和產品所成就的先進性,能滿足物聯網新趨勢的大規模需求,滿足前沿科技和通用電路公司所推動的中國新供求增長(見下文的第12項介紹)。
  10. Abtum Inc. Behnam Analui & Adit Narasimha, Mobile Device’s Filter IC, delivers 30+ times higher breakthrough performance,  facing the wide mobile device demands, supplying next-gen components. 班諾姆.安拿里,移动通讯终端的射頻滤波器,提供三十倍更高的性能,为移動通訊終端的亟需新一代器件產品,創始公司。
  11. ic Clarity Inc. Raouf Halim & Jerry Hamilton, Breakthrough invention of Single-lens Compact 3D Camera, start up. 羅孚.哈利姆, 具有突破發明的单镜头小型化三维摄像器產品,創始公司。
  12. AtGames.net PK Hsiung: Silver Lining Systems, a cloud computing company, founded by a serial entrepreneur. A mature business with products ready to sell and already started marketing to Alibaba, Tencent etc. 熊秉綱, 云计算控制的智能制造。
  13. General Circuits, LLC Mika Nystrom, PhD (Project Scientist) & Jeet Asher (President): General Circuits’ Internet of Everything (IoE-ready) – an emphasis on physical level implementations of Internet access to everything. This is an infrastructure along with immediate application sectors, and can platform many microelectronics new products and applications. 米卡.尼斯特蘭姆博士和季艾什, 介紹加州理工學院源頭、通用電路公司的“事與物的互聯網”(Internet of Everything or IoE) – 強調創新硬件發明, 物聯網化的全套體系結構,具備即時進入應用的分類市場,它容納和擴展多種物聯網芯片和智能硬件新產品和新應用,為物聯網物理層平台技術。

Host:FTC Global, LLC. at its Studio 6E (www.ftcg.net).  Co-host: John Hughes of John Hughes Institute (www.jhughesinstitute.org)

Host Team: Jian-li Luo (簡荔) 626-716-0305 Office Manager 办公室主任, Jessica Zhu (祝佳) 626-215-8975 Project Assistant 项目助理, Mark DelVecchio (達明) Commercial Advisor 商务顾问, Jin Luo(罗晋) 626-353-4635 / +86-186-0019-2462 President 总经理

 FTC Global Team 羅晉和前沿科技國際團隊

Note: These events comply with China’s government thrifty-operation and anti-corruption acts, as well US foreign acts.    以上日程的活動符合中國政府節儉辦公差旅和反腐敗規定,同時遵循美國與外國交易的法規。

