Environment 节能&环境
2018.1.28 超级灯泡讲演
讲解“后LED世代”的高光能晶体灯丝灯 -人云亦云
最近网上有很多关于节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯CFL)的最新健康危害的科技报道。以下是前沿科技顾问国际公司的一篇第三方报告,算作不代表任何企业或行业观点的科普和“商普”:《讲解“后LED世代”的高光能晶体灯丝灯》, 羅晉,2017年1月8日,Rev.D。 下载:DOWNLOAD: http://ftcg.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/FTC-CLED-explained-170112D.pdf
2017.5.24 FTC Steel City 山东钢城前沿高科技服务公司
前沿科技顾问国际有限合伙人公司,与山东省莱芜市钢城区政府联合组建了山东钢城前沿高科技服务有限公司。该公司由政府控股,服务于钢城区,从事向高科技和环保节能转型的高端招商引资,共享前沿科技(FTC Global)的国际国内产业引进项目。总经理:羅晉,首席技术总监:江建志博士。 工业城市引进项目举例
高能复相晶体新材料光源的问答 Crystal Composite LED
CLED(晶体LED,Crystal LED Lighting)、HEC(高能复相晶体,High Energy Crystal Composite Lighting)、HIP(高光能复相晶体等离子,High Intensity Plasma Lighting)、HLC(健康内集中光调系统,High Intensity Light Conditioner)综合性能避免了以往LED器件本质的缺陷,达到了其过去不可能实现的指标(50%高于所有LED中的最好器件效率或指标)及其扩大的应用范围和品种。
2014.10: Advanced Energy-Saving product trade & mfg.

IMEC USA, LLC gathers four experienced corporates and their proprietors, thus combined over 60+ years corporate experiences and up to 200 years of professional skills. The current effort to initiate an IMEC China subsidiary is due to its 1 year…
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Cost Impacts of Energy-saving Lights
To identify an “energy-saving product”, it is common among industries and users that a New Product is better. Factually all products have their costs and environmental impacts through the lifetime: process technology development, production, marketing and distribution, application, maintenance, retire,…
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Trends Irreversible?
A nation’s GDP driven by real-estate and massive construction, plus the deepest-widest portal of import for trading in high-tech and high-fashion consumer products, that is what take place in modern China. The factual trend is rapidly converting all regional natural resources…
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